Icky f'tang

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It can only be described by taste, for which I must say it is pound for pound the most pungent morsel I have ever masticated. Available in any convenience store near you, it costs only pennies a day per serving. Some people use syrup, I prefer jelly.


Don't let the name fool you. F'tang is the wang hang that makes the icky not sound so disappealing. If you're fond of exotic foods and things that crawl in your mouth, then this is something you will enjoy in your foodsuckinghole for a long time. Share it with the family!
Do geese see God?
Do you remember the vuvuzela? And the Android? And the Justin Bieber? And a Julian Assange? Then you lived in 2010.

Does it give you the bowel problems like some stuff you might eat

No, unless it does, in which case, run Northwest for a short duration.