IllogiBooks:The Joe Factor

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Now the bestseller comedy book in New Australia, USA and The Filipino Empire! "The Joe Factor" is availiable online here:

Chapter 1: The Guy who is Sad. Why the Deuce am I saying this?

'Now, this is a true but funny story. One time, I was putting an advert of being a good Uncyclopedian. And this is what it said: Right, I need a bunch of funny guys to help me laugh
These are the following things a funny guy has:

  • A funny physique
  • Some good jokes
  • Slapstick-withstanding

Thank you. It's good to have a bunch of people cleaning up the asswipe's work, eh?'

'And I signed: King Joe of the Philippine Empire- I am the REAL dictator!'

Chapter 2: The Copycat

'Someone copied me, and this time it said: Right, I need a fine woman to treat like a goddess.
These fine ladies need to have the following:

  • Ladyness
  • Class
  • Big, big hair
  • No man parts
  • One of them fridges with the ice thing in the door
  • One of them fridges with stuff in it
  • Between four and seven toes on each foot

Thank you. It's good to be around so many fine women, eh?'

Chapter 3: The Racist Man

'And someone else copied the guy who copied me. Now it said: Right, I need a a military leader to burn down the British Empire into the ground.
This fine leader need to have the following:

  • Leadership
  • Many many soldiers
  • Many big guns
  • Some nuclear weapons
  • No English sense of humor
  • Major hatred of Monty Python

Thank you. It's good to be around a world that has that many less Brits, eh?'

'"Now it's a discriminating poster. Can I just stab someone who did that for a minute?" I said to myself. So I went down and put the advert up again.'

Chapter 4: The Annoyance

'When I came back a day later, another poster was placed on top of mine! Now it said: Right, I need High Times to send me the two latest issues from me renewing my subscriptions.
This fine magazine needs to have the following:

  • Information on the Cannabis Cup
  • Advertisements for Bob Marley T-Shirts
  • Articles pertaining to the american marijuana legalization movement.
  • Much Tie-Dye inspired art.
  • Psychedelic colors
  • Guide to good weed

Thank you. It's good to be around so many potheads, isn't it? Chocolate Rain 18:11, 11 September 2008 (UTC)

Chapter 5: Illogicopedia

I'm home! Finally, I can go write nonsense whatever I like!