New Australia

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Republic of New Australia
National Flag
God Save New Australia
Motto: Anyone Who Defies New Australia Must Be Destroyed!
Proudly 100% Diverse
Official languages English, Dicko
Race %74 Australian Aboriginal; %20 Whites, %6 Super Japanese, Less than %1 Subbuteoan (KOS)
Religion Christianity, Buddhism, Pokemonism
Opening hours Opens 24/7 all year round
Independence 2001
National anthem "God Save New Australia"
Natural Resources Uranium, Iron, Silver, Wheat, Barley, Wool, Cattle, Kangaroo, Rice
Official Cuisine Kangaroo, Emu
National bird Emu
Capital City New Canberra

New Australia (official name: Republic of New Australia) is a small country in the middle Australia, created as a response to Subbuteo. Their main ally is Super Japan, and New Australians are often confused with Australian citizens. New Australia is often famous for its comedy, the home of sonk and their cuisine, which is mainly kangaroo meat.


New Australia is mostly desert. Most of the water comes from underground, and sometimes, the country is flooded as a result. Most of the time, New Australia gets no water at all. Because of that, many people died as a result of famine because there isn't enough water to grow food and many are hunted by kangaroos. These kangaroos taste good. The capital of New Australia is New Canberra, a large city the size of Tokyo. The current President of New Australia is Joseph Kartono.


New Australia's chief economy is agriculture and manufacturing. 45% of New Australia's economy is made up of maufacturing. New Australia has a well-maintained capitalist economy. Most of the manufacturing are done near New Canberra, and half of it was the manufacture of textiles, transport equipment, computer parts and steel. It is also home to the state-owned TV network, called JNNN TV Anda, which owns half of Illogicopedia.

The war with Subbuteo

Jealous of their enemies, New Australia sought to own up on Subbuteo in trends and looks. New Australia, despite being in poverty, always tried to become better than Subbuteo, but always ended in disaster. New Australia is often looked at as "the ripoff of Super Japan". But no one minded that. In a few years time, New Australia will be as rich as Super Japan.

Notable who lived in New Australia

See Also