IllogiGames:Accountant's Quest/5/1/4

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Illogicopedian Public Terminal 1.0

> You poke the Boring mail program with the mouse. It does nothing so you try again ,and again ,and again ,and again ,and again ,and again ,and again until finally 8 Boring mail windows open all at once. The computer over heats and crashes. You jump around the room screaming' "!?!!? ?!? ?!!?!?! !?!@?!!!?@?@ ^?%#%? &$*?*$>@!>?" at the top of your lungs for the next half hour. You then try to turn the computer on. The screen begins to flicker and smoke then the computer makes a kind of whining buzzing sound as cockroaches are fried in its ancient circuits. The screen in a last ditch attempt flickers into fife before it dies. You begin to bang the the top of the screen and finally after a thorough beating you are greeted by the ILN home page again. You try the Boring mail program again and this time ,after almost 10 minutes ,it works. Hurray!

> You have two messages...

1. bachelor party - from Bob

Yo I'm having a huge bachelor party at my place next week hope youl be there.

P.S If your not I'll kill your mother and come to trash your place, OK. See you there.

Date received - One week ago

2. bachelor party - from Bob

Dude you missed my party! Your mothers dead and I'm coming to gat ya. I'll be there ten minutes after you get this message!

Date received - Ten minutes ago

>What will you do?