IllogiGames:Accountant's Quest/5/4

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Illogicopedian Public Terminal 1.0

> You run around in circles screaming ,"OMG! My hands are burning their burning Help!". You go into the basment and plunge your hands into the sink full of water. You then realise that its not water but oil from when you fried a goat for breakfast lastnight. The sink explodes in a ball of fire. You have now lost all use of your hands.

> Subtract 16 energy. If you have 1 energy or less, go back.

Energy: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".

> Subtract 10 sanity. If you have 1 sanity or less, bang your brains out on the keyboard.

Sanity: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".

The fire spreads to your face and arms.

>The cash is now burning!

Cash: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".

> What will you do?