IllogiGames:Accountant's Quest/5/4/1

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Illogicopedian Public Terminal 1.0

> Once apon a time there was a potatoe. His name was Joe. Joe likes to eat cheese. One day Joe won a free trip to a chip factory but During the tour Joe triped and fell into the chip maker and got turned in to a chip. The factory workors told him there was only one way to return to normal. He had to find the Infinite prodability drive and toss it into overdrive above mt. Doom. And so Joe begins a 50 year quest to find the Infinite probability drive. The search takes him to the top of the highest mountain to the bottom of the deepest ocean. He eventualy finds the Infinite probability drive in the center of an ancient cave under the last remaines of a long lost sivilisation, called the twin towers. After anouther 12 years of struggling he finally brings the Infinite probability drive to the top of mt. Doom. He prepares to push it into overdrive. The lever slinks ever closer to the top inch by inch till finally it reaches the top and...

> Subtract 90 sanity. If you have 1 sanity or less, roll around screaming.

Sanity: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".

>You burn to death.

> What will you do?