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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

When you're snooping around, you can expect to be attacked, in court, by a piece of evidence, or by a hired assassin or even a major bad guy. You'll have to deal with all these and more, so strap in and grab whatever you've got.

  • Red indicates rarity.
  • Orange indicates uniqueness.
  • Blue indicates uncommonness.
  • Green indicates an easy find.
  • Purple indicates a key item.
  • Light blue indicates an illogical trinket.

News Team Gear
  • Your Camera -- Apply it to record, view, or take evidence.
  • Your Satchel -- Carries ten items of any value.
  • Your Crystal -- Allows you to read any magical books you may find, but doesn't always work.

Innate Items
  • Kick -- When the going gets tough, the going gets a kick to the face.
  • Suplex -- WHAM! WHAM! BIFF! WHAMMO!
  • Your Wits -- Keep them about you.

  • Handgun -- A coward's wet dream. Can be used for seven shots.
  • Shotgun -- BOOM! Chik-chuk. Can be used for two shots.
  • Submachine Gun -- Tatatatata! Can be used for twelve shots.
  • Assault Rifle -- For heavy-duty work. Can be used for three shots.
  • Plastic Explosives -- Create a huge crater where anything once stood. Takes time to set up and should therefore be laid down in advance and out of the way of enemy fire; avoid the explosion at all costs! One use only.

Misc Items
  • Lightning Book -- Zap your opponent with a bolt. 32 uses.
  • Fire Book -- Fry your opponent. 16 uses.
  • Ice Book -- Freeze your opponent. 8 uses.
  • Aether Book -- Rend your opponent's soul. 4 uses.
  • Annihilation Book -- Annihilate your enemy. 1 use.
  • Bloodstone -- Resurrects you once when you die, then shatters.
  • Soulstone -- Makes you invincible for a little while, then shatters.
  • Banana Peel -- For tripping your enemies.
  • Piece of Cheese -- Restores a little bit of health.
  • Scolding Hot Tea -- Momentarily blinds an opponent or slightly replenishes a tiny amount of health.
  • Seppy Doll -- Summons Seppy who will either heal you or fight alongside you.
  • Asema Doll -- Summons Asema who will be stronger the more pints of coffee you give him.
  • Testicles Doll -- Summons Testostereich who will throw your opponent into space.
  • Fluffalizer Doll -- Summons the Divine Fluffalizer, who will fluffalize your opponent.
  • Subbuteo Replica -- Casts "Floating Island of Subbuteo Max Max Fun Happy.
  • Super Japan Replica -- Casts "Destruction of Subbuteo."
  • Lockpick -- Picks a basic lock and breaks.
  • Crowbar -- Can be used to open crates, or heads. May break.
  • Altar of Bcbkye -- Unknown.
  • Chartreuse Chandelier -- Unknown.
  • Conspirator's Notes -- Unknown.
  • Brain Medication -- Give to Myra.

  • Bronze Key -- Opens low-level doors. Two uses.
  • Silver Key -- Opens mid-level doors. Two uses.
  • Gold Key -- Opens high-level doors. Two uses.
  • Adaminatium Key -- Opens ultimate doors. Three uses.
  • Access Pass -- Opens and detects secret doors.

Illogical Trinkets
  • Escape Boots -- Allows you to escape from most enemies.
  • IllogiNess Monster Scale -- Allows you to destroy stone blocks.
  • Suplex Gloves -- Allows you to smash open anything lighter than a steel crate with a suplex.
  • Seppy's Book -- Allows you to resist an enemy attack by turning to the enemy's page. Very slow to use; must be used in advance.
  • Asema's Death Ray -- Destroys any enemy, at the cost of your own life.
  • Metalflower's Feather Duster -- Swipes away any weak enemies or objects.