Enter the Realm II

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  Enter the Realm -- Inventory -- Spells -- Grand Chambre Life Force: 4 Magic: 1 INVENTORY   You have no pack.

The sages nod and drop to their knees. "Thank you, great hero! We grant you all we can..." Just as they begin to cast a spell, however, an explosion is heard just outside the cell walls.

"There's no time now! You'll have to find the Ornmanetal Rapier on your own. For now, take these."

Each of the sages grabs an item and brings it to you; from the desk, the Sage of Power brings you a Book, which you scan with your laptop. (append /axendis to the Inventory System to read it.) The Sage of Might brings you a strange stone. When you touch it, it disintegrates, and you feel healthier. Finally, the Sage of Logic brings you a Slingshot and 10 Rocks.

They point you to the exit. When you're ready, we'll go!