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The clothes are a perfect fit. You ram his naked body up against the locked door to prevent any battering rams breaking through. After the umpteenth game of snap with the hostages (which you have, of course, fixed in your favour) you attempt to sneak out the back way. You run through to a darkened room. You here panting behind you and speed up. You go to look round and see who's chasing you but instead collide with something large and moving! you seem to get your foot caught in something and are dragged quickly across the room and out into the night. You rub your eyes before something large knocks them firmly into the back of your skull. Slapping the back of your head so your eyes pop out you make out through the blood that you've just left the police stables caught in the saddle of a policehorse. Despite the horse's questionable choice of galloping through a cactus farm you seem to have escaped. You eventually disentagle yourself from it where you lay staring at the sky panting. As you exhale heavily with your mouth open you realise the horse has stopped, above you. It's tail goes up and manure lifelong mental scarring lands in your gullet.

Give up and die
Make towards home
Clean your mouthout in the nearby bird bath
Attempt to ride the horse home