IllogiNews:It's 2011

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Out of a lack of anything better to report, we report that we are one step closer to the Obamapocalypse. It is 2011, the year with a screwy curvy thing, a donut, and 2 inverted lls. China continues to produce all the toys, iRan is still making nukes, Osama bin Laden still lurks in the unknown, my granny still exists, and flying leopards still move upon the Alamo. So, everything is pretty much the same, despite the little change in schedule. So, to celebrate, let's beat the evil screwy flatburger down with a poodle. Here are a few quotes on citizens on the new yorkie yeary thing:

“Another step closer to death”

“So, it remains yet another year of frivolousness.”

- Brooke

“So, this is how I screwed up an entire year.”

“I wanna have my name legally changed to Reggie for my resolution”



- Homer Simpson

So, eh?


My calendar