Illogic Book/Page 11

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He got the rockets all ready, luckily in a way that wouldn't damage the car, and set them to go off in 10...9... "Parachuuuuuuute!" he yelled as he fell down to earth. (He didn't have a parachute actually, but he yelled it just for fun.)

The rockets went off, shooting the car forward at a tremendous speed. Albert was smart enough to know that you can't steer a car in midair, so when he saw a button that he hadn't noticed before, that said EMERGENCY ROCKET DETACHMENT, he gave it a try. The rockets came completely off, along with everything that had been used to attach them. Albert noticed another button that he hadn't before. This one said SUBMARINE MODE. He pressed it, and the car became a submarine.

The submarine landed as smoothly as an airplane on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, and then submerged to the somehow audible sound of "LIDL-LIDL-LIDL-LIDL-LIDL-LIDL-LIDL..."

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