Illogic Book/Page 10

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They had left the center of town when Albert's speedometer's numbers suddenly multiplied by ten, and the watch went into the sky.

The conversation was agitated: "Look at my speedometer! Its scale has gotten ten times larger!" "The watch is going skyward!" "That chicken must have flown." "Chicken's can't fly!" "Then why wasn't this a problem for the chicken?" "Did you see that chicken? It was huge! The watch's current height would have been eye level for it!" "How are we going to follow the watch?" "I don't know, what just happened to the speedometer?" "Okay, then step on the gas!"

And so the car went ZOOMING down the road, up a hill, and went in a trajectory OFF THE TOP OF THE HILL that was so high it followed the watch!

"Let's hope this doesn't land in a bad place," said Albert.

Nelson asked, "Uh, would the Atlantic Ocean be a bad place?"

"If we head straight down to it from this trajectory, then yes," said Albert.

"Hey!" said Cheddar. "Some guy is attaching rockets to the back of the car!"

Some guy was attaching rockets to the back of the car.

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