Illogic Book/Page 13

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So they went zooming through the Atlantic in their submarine.

Just then, a robotic voice said, "You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet."

"Huh?" said Cheddar.

"To create the page, type in the box below and submit your text. (see the help page for more info)"

"I do not know what this thing is talking about," said Albert.

"If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's back button."

"This thing seems to think we're on the internet," said Nelson.

"The page may have also been deleted; see the deletion log for details."

"This thing is completely nuts!" said Albert.

"Warning: You are recreating a page that was previously deleted. You should consider --"

The voice stopped.

Page 12 | Page 13 | Page 14