Illogic Book/Page 14

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The GPS showed that they were around the horn of Africa.

"Okay, who here remembers going around the horn of Africa?" Albert asked.

"Not me," said Nelson.

"Wow," said Cheddar. "We're in the Indian Ocean already? We're going fast."

"You got that right," said Albert. "I hope we don't crash on India, though. We're going so fast we might not be able to slow down enough before we hit the land."

"Hey, wait," said Nelson, who was looking through the periscope. "I don't see the watch anywhere."

"Maybe it's above us!" said Cheddar. "What is this watch anyway, and why are you guys following it?"

"There's legend of a city called Bigak that was abandoned several millennia ago," said Albert. "I'm hoping to excavate it."

"I just realized," said Nelson. "You're a painter, Albert, not an archaeologist."

"I'm an archaeologist," Cheddar said. "Let's surface and find that watch."

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