Illogic Book/Page 15

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Suddenly, the rope snapped, and the lion got loose! It lunged at Bob as if Bob was a deer. Bob dodged just as the lion's paw was about to collide with his...wait, what was I talking about again? Oh, yeah, those guys in the submarine.

They suddenly felt a weird feeling that they didn't know what had just happened -- except Cheddar.

"In a box," he said.

"What is?" asked Nelson.

"The ravioli!" Cheddar replied, as if it was glaringly obvious.

"What are you talking about?"

"'Cause you wanted to know where the ravioli was, so you could put it on your head!"

"Oh, yeah!" Nelson exclaimed slowly, even though he had no idea what Cheddar was talking about, and he was only acting like he remembered because he had no idea what had actually happened, and Cheddar seemed to.

"Where is the box?" Cheddar wondered. "I forgot where I put it...Maybe I left it outside the window... Whoa! Look out the window, guys! It looks like we're underwater!"

"Well, you see, Cheddar," said Albert, with the air of a person who is calmly explaining things to a raving lunatic, "we are underwater. I just realized...we've been looking for the ancient city of Bigak by following a watch in a submarine!"

Chicken suit.

"You'd look good as a man," Nelson said to himself. "I am a man," himself replied.

"I am a man," Albert said to Nelson. "I know you are," he said to Nelson's self.

"Prove it," said Cheddar to Albert. "We seem to be having two conversations at once," he said to Nelson.

"That's because Albert thought I was talking to him," Nelson said to Cheddar. "I wasn't talking to you!" he said to Albert.

And thus they wasted the time...

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