Illogic Book/Page 16

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(insert nothing here)

Albert looked at the GPS map. "We're crashing into India!" he yelled.

"Cool, we're crashing into India AAAAH!" said Chester.

A robotic voice said, "This submarine will turn into a submarine sandwich in 5...4...3...2...1..."

The submarine turned into a sub sandwich. It got eaten by the watch. This stopped the watch's yelling, but when it had reached the site of Bigak, it vomited the sandwich. Albert, Nelson, and Cheddar popped out of the sandwich. "MY CAR!" Albert yelled angrily at the watch.

The watch...It was running down, getting quieter every second. "" It went unconscious.

"Well, I guess this is Bigak," Nelson said. "Cheddar, what were you saying about being an archaeologist?"

"The number buried here has a four in the tens place," said Cheddar.

"Good idea," said Nelson, who thought Cheddar had said something meaningful.

"What?" said Albert.

"Nothing is buried here that we have to look for much; it's all in that place!" said Nelson, pointing at what looked like the top of a stone monument.

"Oh, yeah!" said Albert, looking at the top of the monument.

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