Illogic Book/Page 17

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________ vomited a shovel.

Which of the following characters would it be most ridiculous for me to have vomit up the shovel?
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Nelson used the shovel to dig along the monument, and he found words that Cheddar read as,

Here lies the Chronicle / of the Ancient City of Bigak / an abandoned city / which left its history behind it / and gave itself to the earth / after ___ years of greatness

"It existed for that long?" said Cheddar. "It must have been the first civilization ever!

"This is an incredible discovery!" said Nelson.

"Well, if there wasn't supposed to be an incredible discovery, I wouldn't have decided to come here," said Albert.

"Well, let's get that Chronicle!" said Nelson, and he resumed his digging, and eventually found a large overturned stone dish. He dug out the dish and found several stone tablets, which Cheddar sat down and translated at an amazing rate:

"Okay, so paper," (he instantly had enough paper,) "and this word right here, and" (reads and writes at the speed of light) "Wow! I'm going so fast I can't remember any of what this says! Done! You want some cheddar with that?"

"Yes, please," said Nelson.

"Cheddar," said Cheddar, and a block of cheddar cheese instantly appeared.

Albert read Cheddar's translation, which is given in the next chapter.


Page 16 | Page 17 | Page 18