Illogic Book/Page 19

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Year 0 of Bigak

August 27

I, Bob, hereby begin this Chronicle of the City of Bigak. Our ruler is my friend who got such a big idea, and everybody thought that he deserved to be ruler for it. His name is Matláti.

Matláti has wife named Bátla. Bátla became queen. Matláti is 31 -- his birthday is May 4, 31 Years Before Bigak. Bátla is 27 -- her birthday is November 14, 28 Years Before Bigak. Her 28th birthday is still coming, and it will be a big celebration.

Construction of the city is beginning. The king and queen will have no palace. They will live in an ordinary house that is in the middle of the city for two reasons: one, to make it look important, and two, to make it easy to go to when you have a problem.

August 28

A man reported to our king today, saying that he was sitting in his home when he had a vision that life was a pencil sharpener. It was especially mystifying because the pencil sharpener hasn't been invented yet, so even Matláti does not know what it is.

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