Illogic Book/Page 2

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After just ONE second, the bomb went off. Instead of making a giant explosion, it stupidly went pffsht. Suddenly, a hole opened in the ocean, releasing the far-off noise of the watch. Then the hole filled up, and it was all bright and cloudy. Yes, I said bright and cloudy. Then there were these guys with big trucks backing up. The trucks backed up into a brick wall, and they kept backing up until they were pancake-flat against the brick. Then, they backed up even more. Note that they never went through the brick.

What happened to the watch

It got eaten by a mysterious sea banana. Then, it got flung right out of the banana's rear end, still yelling, and then it went into the hole in the ocean. When the hole filled up, it was under the water again, but an amount rescued it and it went back onto the arm of the man at the chicken's belly.

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