Illogic Book/Page 24

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September 14

A man reported to the King yesterday with large quantities of banana peel, saying that he had eaten many bananas recently, and he wanted to donate the peels to the King's House.

September 15

There was hardly a need for Matláti to send a professional runner to find the rest of the tribe. Haquaba led a large number his "people" forth, and an estimated 132 people under the leadership of Haquaba are about to invade the city! However, Matlati had a strategy. He took the banana peels from before, and Bátla and I each went to three houses and got everybody out onto the Brick. I assembled them all in front of the King's House, and Matlati told the 27 people who lived in the six houses about his plan. Here is a record of the speech made by Matlati:

"Haquaba's rebellion is a fearsome force, outnumbering us almost five to one. However, I have a plan that might save us all. I have in my house a large number of banana peels that I received yesterday. When Bob gives you the word," (laughter at my silly name) "you must all follow him into my house and take as many of the banana peels as you can carry outside. We will then lay them randomly around the city, hoping most of the enemy slip on the banana peels. That way we will have the advantage of knowing that there are banana peels lying around the city. Is it a good plan?"

Everybody nodded in agreement.

"Okay," I said, "let's put this plan into action!"

They all went into the house with me and got large amounts of banana peel. Matláti joined us as we placed the peels randomly around the outside of the city. Then, being careful not to slip on any of the banana peels, they went back into the city, where Matláti gave them some important instructions.

"Do not go to bed tonight. Wake each other up if you have to. I have a feeling the attack will be made at night. You four" (he gestured toward four people) "will be the lookouts."

So everybody went back home and didn't sleep that night. The four lookouts went out of the city and waited.

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