Illogic Book/Page 2525

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Sleepy Time

It had been a long day for SomeWhat. He'd exhausted his fat reserves on writing the Illogic book for 45 days straight, and what little mental stiimulation he had left was spent on rubbishing the television show 'Lost'. There's no way that Curly or whatever the heck his name was could stay that fat whilst stranded on an island starved of food. SomeWhat, like many others, still thought the movie 'Castaway' was, and would always be, the pinnacle of that genre. He'd cried when Wilson died, but partied for two days solid after Wilson won eleventy oscars for his performance; the noble little ball.

Lying sprawled out in a bush adjacent to his house, SomeWhat decided it was time to go to bed. He nudged off the stray dog that was chewing his leg, and crawled slowly towards the front door. Luckily for him the burglars had left the door open. They had even made him a nice cup of tea to drink, set down where the television used to be.

"What nice blokes." He thought to himself.

It took him alll night, but he somehow managed to make it into bed. Thoroughly exhausted, he shut his eyes and relaxed.

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