Illogic Book/Page 7575

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SomeWhat goes on a brief quest to get some sleep, documented throughout the course of this page. There's an ending, badabingbadaboom, my mini-story is then sufficiently over, I retire with quivering bowels to the toilet...

SomeWhat knew there was only one way for him to fall asleep. He had to kill himself.

SomeWhat climbed to the tallest room of the tallest tower, it was an arduous journey in which he battled against scorching heat and ice-maintaining cold. He had to kill a troll with his bare hands, bribe several dwarves, stop a sexually confused wolf from killing herself, he even had to do the weekly grocery shopping for a bunch of paraplytic dragons; all so that he could reach this place. No one was there except for him, he was all alone. It was quiet. Well. Aside from the man you had to buy a ticket from in order to gain entrance to the tower. His name was Ern, he smelled funny. SomeWhat ventured inside.

Only when he was at the top could SomeWhat full appreciate the beauty and majesty of the place. He could see for miles around, the town was a web of sparkling red lights flashing across his line of vision in an orgasm of yellow and red against a deep-set black background. There was a peaceful tranquility up here, one that SomeWhat had never experienced. He had a purpose, SomeWhat didn't want to jump. He had too much to live for, sleep could wait.

Upon realizing this SomeWhat fell afast sleep, pitching face-first off of the tower.

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