Infinity 90210

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Infinity 90210 was a television drama about an infinity of eternally attractive people living in the infinitely large city of Beverly Hills, California. It mainly centred around shopping. The show ran from 1900 to 2000. It was popular among everyone.


Infinity 90210 was created by the Devil.


Cast of Infinity 90210.

Infinite subsets of the cast were caught in love circles.

Each character had an infinity of identical twins. The number of possible appearance, personality, and gender combinations was finite, though every one was used. Viewers discovered characters exactly like themselves.


Writing the show was a monumental task. Billions of writers were needed to chronicle the adventures of the infinite characters. By 1996, everyone on the planet was a writer for the show. The show made use of the device of successive halvings to pack infinite plot into every episode.

In the last episode of the series, a writer took into account the realistic effects of gravity.