It was a Tuesday

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Not so far away, in a galaxy, far, fur furry, it was furry. In fact, it was so bald that a man decided to walk down the street. In fact, he was walking down the street, that he decided he wanted to walk down the street to look for his keys. So he started looking for them.

After about five hours of standing in the same spot doing nothing in particular, the man decided that this was not really helping. He needed to do something constructive. So he grabbed a paintbrush and painted himself whale and preceded to do the chicken dance with his feet clamped in his toes and his eyes in his nostril fingers then walked down to a stop sign and preceded to eat it with his toe nail hair. Then he constructed something. He got a nasty sunburn from this, but at least it cured his sunburn.

Then he went back to looking for his keys.

Soon (after about five years) the man spotted a spotted sign with spots on it, that said 'Spotty'.

“"Just what I was looking for!"”

- he exclaimed.

“"A grocer!"”

- he said.

He then preceded to teabag his teabag in his bag and drank some tea.

And that was how the game of Squash was invented.
