John Johnson: Bus

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This was written by T3canolis

So yesterday afternoon, my car broke down in the middle of the road. Considering I've got crappy auto insurance, I have to pay thousands of dollars to get a rental so what do you know, at 5:30 in rush hour traffic in the middle of a crowded city, I'm riding on the dirtiest bus in New York. I swear Mr. Clean would have shot himself in the head if he saw this bus. The seats were like a mix between a spittoon and an ash tray. The people riding the bus were either homeless, old European ladies, or pissed off businessmen like myself. Now spending five minutes in this wretched hell hole would of been enough but NO the bus takes an hour to go ten miles. I would have loved to say to the driver, "Here's a dollar for my fee. I'm advising you to buy some Clorox." There was so much... liquid on the ground we would of needed like fifteen ShamWOWs to clean it up. So I get off the bus and what do you know, I left my attache suitcase on the bus. So I have to chase the friggin' bus down Fifth Avenue screaming stop (though I know its not going to). I finally get on the bus a block later and guess what? Some worthless thief stole it. So that is the last time I ride a bus.... My advice: WALK!!!

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