John Johnson: World of Warcraft Pt. 1

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This was written by T3canolis

So at GameStop today I bought World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. I've got my level seven blood elf rouge named Uberleet. Back stabbin' those bitches before they see me coming. So I'm chatting with my orc friend I met and we're talking about how gay it is that its not all PVP and I'm like I know. And he's like I know and then we stopped talking. I got this sweet ass dagger, ya know. I'm goin' invisible 'n' crap. Ya know. Stab you in the back mother fu-. Woah! Dude this level 80 night elf's in Eversong Woods. No. God damnit!! Run. Aw god damnit! He's got his fast mount. No. I gotta get back to the city so the guards can own this idiot... C'mon.. You can make it Uberleet. You can! No!!! He got me! No! I'll never ever become good enough to beat that guy. I need to find another game....

Continued on next page...

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