John Johnson: Domino's Pizza

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Written by mwow513

So I was hungry as balls and I took my cell and called up Domino's pizza. I love their pizza. It's so good. Anyway, so I call them and I'm, "Hey I want a cheese personal pizza and a liter bottle of Pepsi." So the guy's like twenty minute wait. So I'm like no prob I can wait. And I did. I waited. And waited. Aaaaaaaannnnnndddd waited. An hour later I'm starving, sitting on my couch watching old episodes of family feud on Game Show Network and I hear: ding dong. Some guys like sorry for the wait and I'm like bullshit man I've been watching god damn family feud! FAMILY FEUD! So I assume I get it for free because its past thirty minutes and hes like we no longer do that. We no long do that, what kind of bull crap is that? So finally I eat it in like five minutes. It was worth it I guess. I love Domino's pizza... So I finished and watched family feud... for some reason.

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