John Johnson: Ice Cream

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This was written by T3canolis

So yesterday, I wanted some ice cream so naturally, decide to swing by Baskin Robbins, right? No. They ran out of cookie dough ice cream. What the hell? How do you run out of the best flavor of regular ice cream (meaning not soft serve). So I decide to go through the park; lookin' for a vendor when I see a guy selling French Vanilla so I order some when what do you know, it falls off of the cone once I walk away. So sure enough, I run to Dairy Queen and order a Oreo Blizzard but NO. Their Blizzard making machine thingy is broken. So I'm driving around looking for some ice cream when I stumble on a Sonic. I'm like, "I've seen the commercials; they're pretty funny so how about I stop in". I go to the speaker thing, order a Butterfinger Blast. Best decision of my life. No questions. I don't care if I make a decision that will save the world from destruction five years down the road that will still be the best decision ever. If you haven't been to a Sonic, you have no idea what you're missing.

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