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Kellogulation refers to the process by which your breakfast (or dinner, tea, supper etc.) cereal mutates into a globulated mass of sugar, milch and air to create a rather smelly and scary concoction. It is characterised by a loud growling noise caused by the murder of Snap, Crackle and Pop. Don't look it in the eye, it'll hypnotise you!

Uses for kellogulated cereal

  • Throw at a clown.
  • Use as a sink unblocker.
  • Fuel for portable cow
  • Feed to the neighbour's cat... if you hate your neighbour.

Copyright laws

You can only use the word if you say copyright right after it. This only applies to the verbal form of the word, i.e. if you speak it. This means if you read this article out loud without saying 'tee emm' in a rapid fashion immediately afterwards the copyright cops are comin' for you, and before you ask, yes they do know where you live.