League of Obscure Superheroes Squad/Guitar Hero Hero

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Guitar Hero Hero is a member of L.O.S.S. whose only power is being ridiculously good at that game, Guitar Hero. Though his power proves useless in defeating enemies, it easily creates a distraction because they are amazed at how well he can play Guitar Hero. Once they are mesmerized, other members of L.O.S.S. try to pull a sneak attack on the distracted enemies, but are either to stupid, weak, or incompetent to actually do so.

When not distracting opponents, Guitar Hero Hero provides a pathetic source of entertainment at the L.O.S.S. meetings, where he can FC "Through the Fire and Flames" with his eyes closed, as well as flip the guitar over and play lefty on every single song on expert.

Because of this his one weakness is his tendency to get blisters on his fingers, which makes them sensitive to the touch, allowing enemies to attack him as they please because his hands will be useless in the attempt to stop them.