League of Obscure Superheroes Squad

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The League of Obscure Superheroes Squad or L.O.S.S. is the only known leagues of not-so-superheros, a special type of minor superhero. Created in 1993 at Comic-Con by a few Comic nerds striving for attention by creating their own, hopefully popular, band of superheros, the band later became a broken dream of several unpassionate and unwilling not-so-superheros. A once bumbling—but still unpopular—group of over __ not-so-superheros which once met weekly now meets five times a year with minimal turnout to discuss unimportant things like budgeting, costumes, and table linens, whilst having arguments about whether or not someone told the caterer the right address. Their motto is "Just because we don't have real comics doesn't mean we're not imagina—wait, it does mean that."


The band of not-so-super heroes was made in 1993 ...

List of Members

These are the members of LOSS, alphabetized.


SRSLI Stealn't
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No interfering; we have plans. Preciousss planssss......