League of Obscure Superheroes Squad/Mr. Dead

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Mr. Dead is a superhero in L.O.S.S. whose only power is to play dead and convince enemies that he is in fact dead. The catch is he cannot do anything other than playing dead, so he cannot hurt his enemy while they think he's dead. His only weakness is when people actually do kill him—which is yet to happen, mainly because he's never been into a real battle with anyone.

His place in L.O.S.S. is the manager of escape methods; none of which have worked. Mr. Dead currently lives with his mother because he lost his house when his landlord went to collect his rent and he tried playing dead but failed miserably. No one really knows if Mr. Dead's ability to play dead is any better than the average person's, but he says it's a power so most people just shut up and agree with him simply because he'll play dead if they don't and it's really annoying to try to get him to get out of his "Dead" state because he convinces himself he's actually dead.