League of Obscure Superheroes Squad/Vomitron

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Vomitron is a senior member of L.O.S.S. specializing in long-range combat. He's one of the few fairly successful members of L.O.S.S. because he holds the world record for longest projectile vomit with thirty five meters. It was done at Giants Stadium with thousands of onlookers watching. His diet consists of very spicy foods so his vomit will burn its victim especially in the eyes. Notice why Stevie Wonder is blind. He nearly made it into the Justice League but was taken out of consideration when he vomited on one of the Green Lanterns. The black one. His rising age has sidelined him in fighting for about a year but he's taken over the head of the Department of Ranged-Combat and plans on attempting the projectile vomit record next month.