League of Obscure Superheroes Squad/Brick

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Brick was a member of that L.O.S.S. organization. He was in fact not among the large number of "not-so-superheroes", but in fact was just a "companion of one of the not-so-superheroes", in this case, MegaMouth. He just sat around in the corner of the meetings eating the donuts that somebody usually brought along, and because of this was often kicked out of the meetings. He was later looked down upon by all of the members including his friend MegaMouth, and later shot with a harpoon gun by Captain Ahab on accident.

In regards to how he received the name "Brick", to make a not-so-long story short, everyone who attends the L.O.S.S. meetings is required a name, so they gave him the name brick because of how unusually dense and heavy he was. This name stuck well, and eventually even the mail man started calling him Brick because of how appropriate it was.

“I never liked my name anyway!”

- Brick, moments before being murdered by several members of L.O.S.S.

Brick's death occurred once he ate all of the chocolate glazed donuts at the meeting, and at that point everyone snapped and killed him. His last word's represented his opinion on the L.O.S.S. organization, which was like most peoples':he thought it was just as lame as the second transformers movie.