League of Obscure Superheroes Squad/Captain Talon

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Captain Talon was one of the more impressive members of the League of Obscure Superheroes Squad, for the simple fact that his "power" was actually slightly useful. His ability to make a variety of bird sounds was unmatched by anyone, simply because he could replicate the sounds of nearly forty species of avian animals. Anyone else who tried to replicate Captain Talon's sounds usually sounded like some sort of dying animal, like a whale or cactus.

The slightly useful part of his "power" comes in by the fact that along with being replicate the bird sounds comes the ability to summon birds, which was perfect for Trumpeteer and also gave Darwin 2 something to write about in his notebook. Other than this, though, it was no help at all, unless you call large piles of bird poop wherever Captain Talon summoned the birds "help".

At the meetings CT, as people abbreviated his name to (his named derives from the talon of a bird), would be in charge of entertaining guests and children with his sounds, but with the inevitable bird poop he soon became the poopsmith of L.O.S.S.