League of Obscure Superheroes Squad/Unravelman

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Unravelman was yet another member of the pointless LOSS organization. Unravelman was the stereotypical member of any large group that meets occasionally who just sits there and nods off intrevaneously throughout the entire meeting, waking only to a stiff nudge, the main speaker yelling his name, or the end of the meeting. With a superpower of being able to unwind wrapped candies at incredible speeds and breaking world records for unraveling balls of yarn, there was almost nothing this not-so-superhero could do! In fact, besides untying and and raveling things, there was absolutely nothing he could do, not even breath!

This begs the question as to how exactly he managed to live long enough to even unravel a tiny yarn ball or even join LOSS, but at this point nobody cared enough to bother anymore and simply clicked the red X in the corner of the window or randumb page.

Unravelman was also known to compete with cats in yarn ball rolling and unraveling competitions, as cats enjoy doing both. Unravelman was never successful in defeating a cat, showing just how powerful he was.