Man and his moo moo 2

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The chocolate milk... Has been discovered...

I'm in some closet... somewhere. I happen to still be crippled. Don't have a clue what closet... but the pimped out cow is hiding in here with me. The incident with the man and his moo moo has gone world wide. The hunt for him is on. All the milk making companies in the world have been ransacked!! Okies all over America have been found shot dead in various ditches, trash dumps, my basements, and the Google company that I'm blaming? As I watch the news on the cows tricked out LCD TV's, I discover, that he has discovered that chocolate milk exists. I also learn that he is now in even more of a frenzy with his rascal flats gauge. He is killing anyone who has chocolate milk. It is supposedly a "disgrace and mockery of classy classic milk". I'm actually quite scared. I better get rid of this brown cow. I'm afraid to come out of the closet though. What if I get beaten up? People will mock me.

I've been ratted out!

As I sit in this closet I watch him via secret camera attached over his head. Some goose ratted me out! I'm in... the Taj Mahal? I need to get out of here. I have to go on foot though because the pimped cow is out of gas!!! So I walk out of the closet, and what do I see? The Indian police staring at me. Luckily I had donuts so I threw a couple over there. They were not amused. Apparently Indian police have different views on what food will distract them.