
From Uncyclopedia test II
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Thxis ix zhe languaxgeZox of vaiouzx peopxel allz² ovrex the xwǿrldz.

Ixt ixs vrey hra¾dx tǿ tzxype adnIP cxan be EzilEe Mis7aKxen for Frenxzh².

xzou mhay noTixeZS Taht izt izx qµxuit3z ranzom and Cxan bze ezprexxed in menzyx dixxereznt vayxs².

Zum Tranxslacti0nx Ihn zhex languaxgeZox

Mandolin <-- Mandolesthex²

Waffle. <-- Xcoffle²

Car. <-- Carp

You fat slaggot, I'll rip your f**king feet off!! <-- zLolz

Ooh-Ehm-Gee!! <-- Ux-Mez-2Gee+2

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. <-- xz5K¾¾¾¾

Sh*t <-- zD4rn x1t-7x²

Cock <-- ZxhZiFFle+89

Feed me <-- Nho, xzyhoo² <ate> 6+7² m1nzx agou Yuo gr3edxy ZxhZiFFle+89