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Monopoly is a package of seeds created by Mr. Monopoly in 196745676BC and when grown in 2344566578569697 years becomes a board game. You get a board that is made of cardboard and is edible, 32 123434534656 square foot houses and 12 223445 tri-cubed yard hotels plus an endless supply of counterfiet money you can buy properties with and the properties themselves. Now sold by Microsoft, it has made no money because no one wants to grow it.

The Seeds

The seeds are 1/4 inches long and grow in your shoe. Mr. Monopoly has designed them to grow as slow as possible.

The Game

When the game is grown, it is played like this. You keep on taking money until you can't anymore. Then you issue $1,500 to each player. Then you put a piece of silver on a box after rolling 1223443 dice at a time. They decide where you go and when you land on a property, you go to that place and decide if you want to buy it, or if you want Mario to eat it. When you land on go to jail, you lose by getting transported to Alcatraz. Free Parking takes you back to the 1950's. Chance and Community Chest cards take you on a flying carpet to Canada. The game is won when the last person is still in the room and not transported elsewhere.