Narrator Sword

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The mythical Narrator Sword is a legendary magical item from some kinda role playing game. Even though it's mythical and legendary, you can be absolutely 100% sure that all myths and legends in RPGs are absolute 100% accurate fact, so you will of course be actually finding it at some point in the near future. So to prepare you for this, we have put together an informational overview of information about the Narrator Sword for you to overview so that you will have overviewed the information about the Narrator Sword.

What it is

Well, it's an ordinary sword. And that's all, really.

It belong(s)(ed) to the Narrator at one point. It is very sharp and good for chopping things.

It's magical power

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, it has MAGICAL FOURTH WALL BREAKING POWERS!

Just hit the fourth wall with it, and that piece of crap will break and shatter into a million fragments of plot device shards that will become a cloud of literary dust. And you'll probably get mentioned on TV Tropes!

The Magical Power of the Sword

It can break the fourth wall.

What to Do if You Get Hit with a Narrator Sword Attack?

Roll defense, obviously.