Not A Conversation

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This is NOT a conversation.

If it was, it'd be deemed stupid. Here it is:

"Hey, man, I had a stupenditioulous time yesterday!"

Note to readers: If you actually do use stupenditioulous in your everyday vocabulary, you'd be deemed stupid. Seriously.

"I bet you'd don't have a time as great as my perplexilixing holiday!"

''Side note: Don't use that either"

"Are you sure you had a holiday? 'Cause we didn't have one."

"Ah, shuddup, of course we yabbadee did!"

"Note to readers: At this point of listening in on the conversation, I decided to stop or I would be messed up for life'.'

Oh, here's a song I wrote:

Here's a little song I wrote!
Best to sing it note by note
I'm messed up....
Messed up for life!