Over there

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My house? Somewhere over there.

“Yeah, over there!”

- Someone on somewhere, pointing at mid-air.

“You see that guy over there?”

- on Someone talking to another person in his cell phone.

“Let me explain the difference. So...”

Over there is a place or an environment somewhere else, anyplace, anytime, just anywhere. It's the opposite of over here. Just watch.

This sentence is over here. Yeah, right here.
Now, just look at the sentence over there, the sentence on the right.

This sentence is over there. No... not over there, but right here. Over there = over here!
This is ridiculous. I give up.

It's not hard... If you're not able to understand this, just... just go over there. Over there, I mean... AAAAARCH!!! Just go away, okay?



See also