Purple soup

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Purple soup is a east European delicacy thing full of purple goodness and the like. Purple soup doesn't taste like anything much except purple, which is to say it has a colorful sort of taste.

Despite its colorful taste its poisonous and unfriendly, it killed my ex-wife and pet cat just last week because they should it was some sort of other purple substance. BUT THEY WERE WRONG! IT KILLED 'EM DAMMIT!!!

Or um, maybe I should just tell you about the soup[1]


PURPLE. The most important ingredient!

To make your very own bowl of this wonderful thing, you shalt need:

  • 250mLs of quality purple (bottled)
  • Some silver spoons
  • Tomato sauce
  • Aspirin
  • Tumeric
  • A thing which I haven't thought up yet
  • Mind control substance Birthday cake.

So how do I put this here soup together?

  1. Bring that purple to the boil, do not over boil the purple or it may go red, or blue.[2]
  2. Crush the silver spoons are stir gentally.
  3. Add aspirin slowly (amount depents on your drug addiction).
  4. Add Tumeric until it tickles your nose.
  5. Add birthday cake and thing I haven't thought up yet and boil now!
  6. Bon appitit!


As I said before, don't eat purple soup. You'll either wake up tomorrow dead, under government control or both. So please if some shiny haired man offers you a bowl of purple soup. REFUSE AND RUN!!![3] It could be the smartest thing you do that day, or possibly in your entire lifetime!

Purple Elephants

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File:Purple-elephant-150x150.gif File:Purple-elephant-150x150.gif File:Purple-elephant-150x150.gif File:Purple-elephant-150x150.gif File:Purple-elephant-150x150.gif File:Purple-elephant-150x150.gif File:Purple-elephant-150x150.gif

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