Quotes of brilliantness

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To be Confuddled mit Anime Quotes of brilliantness.

“We only wanted to give him a tough name, so he could live up to his gladiator heritage. We got it so wrong”

- The Maximus parents on on their son Gluteus

“I can't mark this exam paper because the answers appear to be obscured by large amounts of money”

- Thick examiner on on my exam paper

“I like making children fat so they can't run away!”

- Ronald McDonald on after drinking copious amounts of liquor

“He's not gay, he's just confused and gay and likes gay sex!”

- User:MrMetalFLower|MrMetalFLower on on the subject of bathing

“Shut up, drool!!”

- Mr T on silencing an over-talkative salivator

“Shut up, Mule!!”

- Mr T again on yelling at a mule

“I wonder if anyone will ever quote one of my hilarious comments”

- Sylvester Stalone on pondering about his self-brilliance

“Cool, italics”

- HelloolleH on enjoying having himself on his own quote list


- Churchill on yelling at Hitler's grave


- Gandalf on yelling at some kid in an exam

“Add a quote of yer own, if ye dare....”

- A sinister looking old bloke on daring you to add quotes