Rabbit soup

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“Come on mum! All I did was nuke everyone and put the innumerable victims' widespread innards in dad's pie; I don't think I need to go to my room just for that!”

- George Bush|George UU Bush on showcasing the finely honed debating skills that reduced Bin Laden to tears.
  Rabbit Soup is not to be confused with Rabbi Soup, which was a popular dish in Nazi Germany.  

Rabbit Soup was voted by Jello! Magazine to be the world's most erotic dish to make since 192N DC (That's when "Soup Da Woop" was invented). Popular at dyslexic Nazi parties, the Rabbit Soup embodies everything important that GTA's been trying to tell us for years - Explosions are fun!


  • Love
  • Landmines
  • Rabbits
  • Beer
  • Huge novelty Nappy
  • Unweary Pedestrians
  • GTA Cheatcodes
  • Permission from Michael Jackson's secret Government Agency - The CGWRHPV (The Crotch Grabbers With Resultantly High-Pitched Voices)

How to cook Rabbit Soup

  • Firstly, psyche yourself by slapping your bare body repeatedly in front of a mirror until someone tells you to stop or the mirror starts crying.
  • Accustom your eyes once again to natural sunlight - this may result in melting.
  • Once your eyes can handle the outside world put on your biggest jumper and head outside. (WARNING:If you're coming out of a long tunnel: Stay out of the light! We all remember what happened to that guy in that film documentary!)
  • If you haven't yet melted/developed sunburn, find a field in which rabbits are known to live. (Asking the nearby furry guy with huge ears, and a pimping low rider would be the best course of action; Try not to start pimping on his turf otherwise you will be shot with a gun that fires bullets whilst having a trigger and handle. Causing a distinct lack of life and rendering you unable to continue in the following instructions).
  • Place landmines all around the field, working from the outside inwards.
  • Realise you're now trapped in a field full of landmines; drown your sorrows with the beer.
  • Awaken from your drunken stupor to find yourself naked and hungover. You realise you've completely forgotten where you placed the landmines and panic.
  • Put on the giant Nappy to cover your modesty.
  • Put your head into your hands and cry - your trapped in a field full of high-exsplosives and you haven't caught a single rabbit yet.
  • Take your head out of your hands to find 97.5 of the landmines have blown up underneath rabbits (now ex-rabbits).
  • Use the GTA cheatcodes to gain invincibility and a totally pimped out chicken suit.
  • Hide the undignified mess littered around the field in a huge pie.
  • Sell the pie on eBay.
  • Sleep at night knowing that Michael Jackson isn't going to kill you.