Randumb page

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Special note: If you found this page through the Special:Random function, award thyself an apple and some yoghurt-based drink or other.

You may think this page (this one, not that one) will be randumb. But oh, no! How wrong you are, Jim me lad. For fnurdles of sonks through time eeble the weeble. You may think this has nothing to do with anything. In actual fact, it has everything to do with nothing.

If you can spot the deliberate truth on this page you can apply for a free dying license. It's like a driving license only you get to die less often.

“How fun!”

“Shut up and review some more expensive cars that I can't afford. Oh yeah, and bring back the Top Gear forum page.”

- on Layman, who just so happens to be an Illogicopedian also. Some coincidence, eh?