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As you can all see, !!!!GAYTANK!!!! ...ladies and gentlemen, I rest my GAY.

SAD,or Seasonal Affectvie Disorder, is a ticking neurological time bomb; a worrying condom of brainy mush and explosives that could go off at any time, though most probably at some point yesterday because of all the news coverage. Unlike cocktails of disaster, SAD is special in that not only does it explode the buyer (AVAILABLE AT ALL GOOD GROSSFAIRY STORES!) but it makes them a fresh bag of Cheese n' Onion crisps from the garbage run-off in resovoirs, and protects them from STDs.

SAD is not to be confused with SADS, which is more similar to STDS (no relation to STDs, but is oddly a distant cousin of SDTS (Self Deprecating Turtle Sperm (OMG BRACKETS WITHIN A BRACKET (WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!)))). .......Yes I may have dated my cousin.

“Hmm, fertilise the egg with my shell? Winthorpe, what drivel is this?”

- A self deprecating Turtle Sperm


Second paragraph. No, third I guess. Do quotes count? Does your mum count? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOOO. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects up to 4 individuals at any given time, depending on whether or not the multitap is installed, meaning an incorrect installation, faulty drivers, or the loss of the memory card can cause the disease to work at half capacity. The disease works by causing the 4 individuals to suddenly drop what they're doing (unless it's their wife) and embark on a rabid gun-ho migratory journey to avoid the advancing threat of winter.

Or it might not, it might just be another meaningless acronym, similar to the threnty I've already used in this treacle 2.0 (cockney unrhyming wang for sharkticle). BLAAAAARG. But yeah, SAD really is Seasonal Affective Disorder, and if you don't believe me I'll cockpunch you right in the ear. Using a chicken.

I hear The Wire's worth watching.. cluck cluck.