Should I Go to Sleep?

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I dunno. I mean, I'm kinda tired and I'm yawning a bit but I feel like I can still do some more before I go to bed... Uh... Decisions, decisions, decisions.... Like, if I stay up I might find this really cool thing on the internet that I'll get obsessed with for a day or two, then forget about when another comes along and then end up back with YouTube and XBOX360 as hobbies. Oh yeah, and Illogicopedia.... But if I go to sleep; I go to sleep. With my soft feather pillow with those ridiculously sharp feather ends that poke me through the pillow case and wake me up at like 4:00am. Eh... It's only 1:10. I remember I stayed up til like seven one night. It was friggin insane tryin' to stay awake the next day. And it sucked 'cause the next day was a Sunday so I was still half-asleep recovering in school that Monday. Should of done it in the summer... Well I guess you can't win all the battles, eh? Woah, did I just turn Canadian or somethin' with that "eh?". I should slap myself. Ah.. That actually hurt. Shit. That was a bad idea. Back to subject.... If I stay up I could see if I could play some Left 4 Dead but naw... It's friggin scary to fight hordes of vampire-esque zombies all alone in your room. But hell that games fun except every time I hear a witch it freaks the shit outta me. When I hear that crying I get so friggin scared. I should play versus maybe. Wait, didn't I just get rid of the idea of playing Left 4 Dead? Crap I'm goin' senile. Eh... I'm thirsty... I wanna get a drink but I don't want to drink a bottle of water then decide to go to sleep then be takin' a piss every five minutes. So I'll grin and bear it... Did I use the right form of bear? Is it bare or bear? Or even Bear with a capital "B" if we're talking Bear Grylls... Wow, I'm getting off topic. Then again there never really was a topic was there? Nope. Just writin' down my thoughts. A whole wall 'o' text with no formatting. But I swear I'll kill you if you put the WTH template on this page MrMetalFlower 'cause I know you want to. Is dumping all my thoughts onto your site a crime? (In fact it is in Oregon but no one here lives in Oregon so I'm alright). Like recently I haven't had any good ideas for articles or just didn't have time. Crap. It's losing any humor it had. I'll probably go to bed. Honestly, I really don't know why I keep writing this. I mean, I probably should be going to sleep 'cause I made my decision in all but no, I won't because I want to entertain you with my thoughts. God.. I ran out of good thoughts. Shit. Good night I guess...