Sounds of the Sea

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Buy this amazing Sounds of the Sea CD now for just £T.9V and get a free 120 inch widescreen Plasma screen and home-cinema sound system to place it on top of worth over |__________________| <-- this much!!

But wait, there's more Gore!!

Buy now and you will also recieve a free death!! We will also throw in 8B% more death!!

But wait, that isn't fall

Buy right now at this very instant and recieve a completely free bill!! Ah dammit, you didn't call, no bill for you...

Demon-stration of Sounds of the C

  • EEEEEEEaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEERGH - Blue wales calling each other, then being killed by hunters
  • Yeah, we need to get the harpoon into...Ah crap!! Euchgh!!!! - Hunters calling each other, then being killed by blue whales
  • I am an undersea rock - An undersea rock
  • Pshhhh, pshhhhhh, pshhhhhhhhhhhhhh, pshhhh, pshhhhhhhhhhh - waves
  • Pffffft, pffffft, pfft, pfffffffffft - cynical waves
  • Phrrrrrt, phrrrt, phrrrrrrrrrt - stinky waves
  • Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - sound waves
  • WaaaaaaaaHAAAAAAAAAY!! - Mexican waves
  • Goodbye!! - A lady waves
  • *Gobble* *gobble* *gobble* - something eating something

Buy Now!! Please!! We need your cash!! SRSLY!! Going broke here!! These ads arn't free you know...

Send all monies to HelloolleH, the writer of this article who forgot to log in :)