Surprise sex. Err, I mean Quiz - Surprise Quiz

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  WARNING! If you're Liam, or uptight about rules and such, or even just a decent human being, then I would strongly advise that you don't read this article  

OI Fags, I don't much value your opinion.


1. If you were to chance upon a girl/boy you like the look of, would you:

A: Kill her
B: Give her a piece of that pie!
C: Kill that piece of your pie
D: Do the Okie-Cokie, then move on assuming she has gnoherrea

2. If someone were to insult your manhood (or womanhood if your liam), would you:

A: Kill them
B: Verbally attack them, not letting up until they're verbally dead
C: Physically attack, not letting up until you're knuckle is a dangerous shade of purple
D: Put on your smoking jacket, smoke your pipe, and challenge them to fisticuffs

3. You've been offered the job of your dreams, but to do so you must work alongside people you do not like the look of, do you:

A: Kill the job
B: Quietly settle your differences with the people around you. By killing them.
C: Wait, wut?
D: Kill yourself

4. You've been nominated for Illogicopedian Of The Month, but your vote count is absurdly low. Do you:

A: Kill the competition
B: Kill the lights. Yeah, now your in the dark bitch
C: Try to gain support for your campaign by becoming a valued member of the site. For a while.
D: Take a sock full of change to Liam's face

5. You've just logged into IRC, and Silent Penguin is making out with your sister, do you:

A: Give her a piece of that pie This option has been removed after being overclicked by lonely americans.
B: Give HIM a piece of that pie
C: Give ChanServ a piece of that, uhh, baguette?

6. You're writing a question that preceeds number 7, in it you ask:

A: If the reader would pertain into having a piece of your pie.
B: Who shot the sherrif?
C: Who did not shoot the deputy?
D: Whether anyone is still reading.

7. An article you've just written has been trashed, do you:

A: Hunt the vandal down, slap a ball and chain to his leg and secks him until your pie is completely given. :P
B: Calmly remove the trash temmplate, with your pie.
D: None of the above

8. A disc drive is making a move on your friend, Do you:

A: Back away, this is surreal.
B: Push your friend out of the way and hand the randy machine your phone number
C: Remind your friend that he just got out of a difficult relationship with a hard drive, and should take his time.
D: Let him have vigorous sex with the disk drive, and watch. If you're Liam.

9. The police found your large massive stash of Grade-A illegal blackmarket starwars porn. Yes, even the limited edition one where C3P0 offers Chewie a piece of his pie. Do you:

A: Laugh alongside the arresting officer until he punches you, calling you a sick freak.
B: Attempt to bribe them all, offering them all a piece of your "The Tweenies Explore Sexuality" porn stash
C: Sigh, then pull down your trousers and pee on the arresting officer.
D: Cry when option B fails.

9: You come downstairs to find the cereal is nowhere to be seen, not even in the cupboard to which the cereal is generally allocated. Do you

A: Do a carefully organized sweep of the kitchen until the cereal is located
B: Get busted for writing this quiz instead of Physics.
C: Kill everyone and everything. Spare their penises.
D: Put pieces of of chopped up penises in your cereal, which you've found due to your carefully organized sweep.
D: Realise this is the second question 9 in a row, and that all the other questions don't have a fifth option.

10: You are infinibanned from illogicopedia for reasons unknown, do you:

A: Accept the ban as you probably had it coming, and the admin who banned you most probably had a valid reason for doing so. Move on with your life.
B: Go ape shit, launching nuclear missiles at the wikia servers based somewhere probably in California; taking the whole system down. If you can't use it, NO ONE CAN!!!
C: Enquire into the reason for your ban.
D: Whine loudly until Seppy gets so pissed off that he not only infinibans you even more, but comes round to your house and decapitates you with a razor sharp flipper.


X. You are Liam, do you:

A: Kill yourself via drowning
B: Kill yourself via hanging
C: Kill yourself by choking on too much back-door man-meat
D: Kill yourself via looking in the mirror. lolololololololoololololololololwutlololol.

Your score

You failed.

This page is raw raw raw raw raw!!!!!
This page shouldn't have been viewed by children...
 Oh well. 